Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Diamond Jubileeeee!

After trying and failing to see anything on the day of the flotilla procession on the Thames, I knew we had to mean serious business on June 5th when Joy and I went Royal stalking. We got to the Mall (street leading to Buckingham Palace) about 7-7:30am. AND I brought a ladder this time because tall people are for always standing right in my way.

So prepared! And festive!
We found a good spot pretty close to the closest we could get toward the palace and just waited til they came out around 10am.

That thing's kinda in the way but there she is!
Once she had gone by, we waited some more. She would be on her way back at 2:30pm so we had a while to go. I went to check out some different spots and luckily overheard a police officer telling people that they needed to be at the opposite end of the Mall when the Queen returned in order to be first to go toward the palace when they opened the street. So Joy and I made our way down to the other end. We got a good view of the return procession and everyone was in carriages this time around.

Okay so this time Camilla and her giant hat are in the way.
Once everyone had gone by and back to the palace...the street was opened. It was madness. We ran for it though, me carrying the ladder and all too. It paid off, though, and we ended up pretty much right at the front. It was such a great view...

Charles, the Queen, William, Kate, and Harry
It was a long but amazing day. I can't believe we managed to get so close. Once in a lifetime kinda stuff...well, ya know. I've seen her six times now but only once has it been the three times in one day and with everyone else as well. So it was a special day.

Coming up next: Short birthday post, Hackney Weekend recap, and whatever else happens in the meantime.

Until next time,