Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Moving on up to the east side. To a deluxe apartment in...Walthamstow.

Ahaha. See what I did there? The Jeffersons. Well, I'm amused at least. :-D
Anyway. I realize that I've not posted anything that's been happening in a while (and so much has been happening too!). Things have been crazy lately though. I'm having to get internet installed at my new place so I thought I'd update at least once before I have to be internet-less for a couple of weeks. I took a few pics of my new place but still gonna take some more once I get everything organized and when I go exploring the neighborhood and surroundings. Here's the place so far though.

Kitchen! With an oven! And a...washing machine.

Living room

Dining room and back door

Front door. All our rooms are upstairs.

Big bed. Purple walls. Tons of places to put my stuff.

To the windowwwww....

The "garden" and the landlord's gym out back.
So there's that. More updates at some point in life maybe. I need to be super focused on my dissertation so you guys may well not hear anything from me til that's done.

Until next time,