Monday, October 17, 2011

Adventure Update

I've been neglecting my blog. So sad. I've been busy and I tend to procrastinate like whoa. What have I been doing in my free time, you ask?

A few weeks ago, I went to a boat party along the Thames at night. There were some great views of the city at night, as you can see. A couple of weekends ago, I went out to Portobello Road Market and bought some antique trinkets to send back home. A lot of that stuff they try to sell is EXPENSIVE. Luckily I found a dude with random old shiny things more in my price range. After wandering around the market - and having a little ham sandwich and a cupcake for lunch - I passed by a book store and got two more books. I really need to stop buying so many books. I just...we don't have bookstores in Waycross and naturally I have to go in any I see...and of course I see something I just have to have in every one. I might need a support group for this.

After the bookstore, I walked to Hyde Park and spent a couple of hours wandering around. I'm not really sure what the statue thing in the picture here is all about but it was huge (and pretty) so I'm just gonna leave it here. I took a little reading break in the park because my feet were starting to hurt. Unfortunately, the tube system was partially down and I couldn't find a functional bus stop either so once I got from the Marble Arch station to Bank, I had to walk all the way home. That's like 30 more minutes of walking. Uphill. In the snow.

The weekend after that, June and I went to Brick Lane. It was nice. Lots of "vintage" clothes and such and lots of Indian food (which we didn't partake of since we were once again on a quest for pizza - which my phone helped us finally locate...we have a history of not being able to find pizza). Bought another book that day! It was Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. You can't pass that up.

This past Saturday, we had lunch at a French restaurant with June's mum and Barry. Then we had some amazing adventures traveling on the over-crowded Victoria and District lines, and also great fun trying to find work clothes for me (I gave up). At one point we had to cross the road but there was a fence/barrier and the light turned green for oncoming traffic. What did I do? The most logical thing, of course: ran screaming across the road and jumped over the barrier. June did the safe thing and waited for traffic to pass, then walked around said barrier. On our way back, we stopped in King's Cross station and found Platform 9 3/4. I look like a dork here, but that's okay. I own it. We rode Boris's bikes home. Oh my heartattacks. I obviously don't do well with a heavy bicycle in heavy traffic. Uphill. I survived though. Maybe I'll forgive all the cyclists for nearly killing me all those times. It's harder to be a cyclist than a pedestrian. Definitely an adventure, that one.

Later Saturday night, we went to Ministry of Sound for Basement Jaxx. It was fun. Not so fun getting there. The tube was out and so were half the bus stops. We had no problem getting back home though, thank God. Maybe you just need to do all your traveling at 4am. Good to know.

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