Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Here, have some updates!

The most exciting things lately...

1) Seeing the Queen. Twice! Once when Joy was here for a day and we happened to show up around Westminster when she was arriving for the opening of Parliament. And once today when I was leaving my shift at the Chelsea Flower Show and she was arriving in her car. I was too far away to get a good picture the first time and she was moving to fast today for me to have time to fumble around with my phone and get it ready in time.

2) Work today was quite nice at the Chelsea Flower Show. Our team was serving the VIP tables so we had Alan Titchmarsh. I know his name and know he's famous but never seen anything he's in, I don't think. At least I know he's famous so it's not completely lost on me like that shift with all the famous artists I had no clue who they were. Some people worked an event with Kanye and Kim Kardashian last week. I know them but still don't care. I would've totally interrupted Kanye though if I was there. "I'm happy for you and I'ma let you finish eating and junk but...Duchess is the best waitress-type of ALL TIME." *drops microphone and walks away* Oh! I did see a British dance group called Diversity perform on one of my Battersea Evolution shifts last week (that 11 hour one, yeah). I didn't know them of course, but they were still super cool.

3) I joined a hiking group and had an amazing time with them in Dover a couple of weekends ago:
I spent all day having conversations with strangers. Whaaaat. Yeah, I don't believe it either. Hahaha. Anyway, I've signed up to go on a hike to Canterbury with them in 2 1/2 weeks. Real life Canterbury Tales up in here, what what. I am excite.

4) Super busy for a couple of weeks...Chelsea Flower Show shifts again Wednesday and Thursday (7am starts for both. Why did I sign up for that again?). Manchester for the weekend. Bristol on Monday to see Passenger perform:
Then traversing Cornwall and the countryside in Part II of my Adventures with Joy for a few days. Come back to London, have a few days to recover from non-stop awesome, and then it's the Diamond Jubileeee. I'll take pics of the Queen then. I'll be ready for it.

Wooo! I gotta go not sleep now. Maybe consider working more on this dissertation proposal. I have all day tomorrow to finish it up (and a bit of Wednesday as well).

Promise more updates after my big adventures!

Until next time,

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