I spent a few hours wandering around Bristol seeing a few of the sights and parks and things.
Went to a nice old cemetery to start off with then headed to the cathedral and ended up happening upon a film shoot they were doing right by the cathedral. I didn't see much but someone said Keira Knightley was in the movie and I could tell they were all in like Victorian era dress. After that, I wandered over to Cabot Tower to get a bird's eye view of Bristol and its surroundings. That was quite nice.
I was mega tired from climbing all those steps so I went back to my hotel room and took a nap before the Passenger concert. It was one of the best concerts. I videoed the whole thing basically. Here's him doing "The Sound of Silence" which was absolutely hauntingly beautiful (I nearly cried):
Here's one about rain that basically sums up England (he drops the F-bomb in this one just to let you know):
This is my favorite that the opening act, Stu Larsen, did. (Look, ma! He's Australian):
So that was Bristol. Tomorrow I'll write about Cornwall and the Jubilee. And sometime I'll have to write about tomorrow and everything we're doing for my birthday. Yay! I'm 25!
Until next time,
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